Thermal Imaging Surveys: A simple solution to leaks and insulation faults
Quick and easy methods to detect and rectify issues with electrical and mechanical equipment or moisture leaks and insulation deficiencies in the home or business are few and far between, and investigation into the cause of problems within these areas can prove extremely time-consuming and costly. On many occasions, numerous attempts to discover the cause of a problem may be required, leading to expensive repairs of floors, walls and equipment on each occasion. Add this to the amount spent on fixing the source of the problem, and it amounts to a significant financial loss.
There is, however, a means of side-stepping these expenses and rendering them completely unnecessary with one simple, quick and straightforward resolution. Thermal radiation was discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1800, and his son Sir John Herschel went on to develop the first thermal camera using carbon suspension in alcohol. The result of this family-run enterprise – the thermal camera – revolutionised medical, industrial and military practice for almost 220 years since.
Perhaps a lesser-known application of the thermal camera is its use for detecting faults in the insulation of a building – invaluable to those concerned about cold spots in their home, or its overall energy efficiency. Arranging a survey for a new-build is especially recommended, as by this method, any remedial requirements can be ascertained before the property is to be handed over. The performance of mechanical and electrical equipment can also ne non-intrusively measured, ensuring the safety and functionality of particular items long before actual failure. Problems with underfloor heating, for example, can be extremely costly to diagnose without taking up large areas of flooring but, with thermal imaging, problems can be speedily identified and located in a completely non-destructive way, with no unnecessary repairs required.
Moisture leaks can also be rectified using thermography – something that can prove highly valuable to individuals seeking supporting information for insurance claims or ascertaining the necessary repairs required on a property. Over long periods of time, undiscovered leaks can compromise the architectural integrity of a building, so problems such as these require immediate attention.
A thermographic survey is a highly commendable investment for any property owner to make, as the implications of its results – in terms of finance, environmental integrity and safety – can prove life-changing. Booking a survey now can save thousands of pounds and large amounts of unnecessary downtime in the future.
At Red Current Thermal Imaging, we provide efficient and professional survey services at highly competitive rates, and, to assure peace of mind for all our clients, we are happy to confirm that our approaches and reporting structures meet all requirements specified by Insurance Companies, Safety Auditors, Maintenance/Engineering Managers, Building Control and BREEAM Assessors.
We also offer hire of thermal imaging cameras, a full list of which is available on our website along with online tutorials for their effective use.
To book a thermographic survey or to enquire into camera hire, please get in touch with us today and receive a Thermographic Survey estimate email within the hour.